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5 Reasons Why Anxiety Is a Total Waste of Time

By Christopher Ross, Ed.S, LPC, ACS, CCTP

Anxiety is more than just wasted time—it’s wasted energy, potential, and joy. While wasted time simply slips away, anxiety traps us in a cycle of suffering, robbing us of the present moment. In my experience as a therapist at Holistic Counseling Solution, I’ve seen how anxiety can affect people’s lives in profound ways, but I’ve also seen how understanding its true nature can help us break free from its grasp.


Many people use terms like fear, anxiety, worry, and nervousness interchangeably, while others see them as distinct. For therapeutic purposes, I usually go with whatever definition my client prefers. However, when we really dive into the nature of these emotions, it’s important to differentiate between fear and anxiety.


**Fear** is a biological response to a real, immediate threat—think of it as your body’s natural alarm system. It’s useful because it alerts us to danger and prompts us to take action to protect ourselves. Once the danger passes, the fear subsides. This response is vital to our survival, and we wouldn’t want to eliminate it completely.


**Anxiety**, on the other hand, is a worry-based emotion that often arises without an immediate threat. It can make us feel stuck, overwhelmed, and out of control, even when there’s no real danger present. Anxiety can linger, sucking the life out of our days and preventing us from enjoying the moment. It’s an emotional response we could all do without, and understanding why it’s such a waste of time is the first step in overcoming it.

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Holistic Counseling Solution will help you with your worries, fears, and anxieties.

Here are five reasons why anxiety is a total waste of time:


  1. Anxiety Focuses on a Future That Hasn’t Happened Yet


Anxiety loves to dwell on the “what ifs” of life. It thrives on imagined scenarios, convincing us that something terrible is just around the corner. These worries are nothing more than illusions—false stories that anxiety crafts to keep us trapped in fear. The truth is, most of what we worry about never actually happens. By focusing on an uncertain future, we lose the opportunity to fully engage with the present.


Instead of letting anxiety dictate your thoughts, try grounding yourself in the here and now. Mindfulness techniques, such as deep breathing or simply noticing your surroundings, can help you break the cycle of worry. Therapy, especially cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), can also be incredibly effective in challenging these anxious thoughts and replacing them with more balanced, realistic ones.


  1. Anxiety Drains Energy by Fixating on What You Can’t Control


Anxiety has a sneaky way of directing our attention to everything that’s out of our control. Whether it’s worrying about the outcome of a situation or stressing over what others might think, anxiety diverts our energy away from the things we can actually influence. This leaves us feeling exhausted, defeated, and often too tired to take positive action.


But here’s the good news: you have more control than you think. Start by identifying what’s within your power to change and focus your efforts there. This might involve setting small, manageable goals or taking steps to improve your self-care routine. Working with a therapist or life coach can help you develop strategies to shift your focus from what’s out of your control to what you can actively influence.


  1. Life Is a Series of Experiences—Don’t Let Anxiety Define Them


Life is full of experiences, both good and bad, but how we interpret those experiences is entirely up to us. Anxiety often tricks us into believing that every uncomfortable situation is a catastrophe. However, by taking a step back and viewing our experiences objectively, we can choose to make meaning out of them in a way that empowers us.


This perspective shift is key to overcoming anxiety. Rather than succumbing to the idea that you can’t handle something, remind yourself of the skills and strengths you possess. Life is about growth, and every experience—no matter how challenging—offers an opportunity to learn and evolve. In therapy, we often explore ways to reframe negative experiences, allowing clients to see them as valuable lessons rather than insurmountable obstacles.


  1. Anxiety Feeds on Itself—Stop the Cycle Before It Starts


Anxiety has a way of becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. The more we fear anxiety, the more power it gains over us. If we expect to feel anxious in a particular situation, we’re more likely to experience those feelings, giving anxiety exactly what it wants.


The key to breaking this cycle is to confront anxiety head-on. Instead of avoiding situations that make you anxious, face them with the knowledge that anxiety doesn’t have to control you. The more you practice this, the less power anxiety will have. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is especially effective in helping individuals identify and challenge the thoughts that fuel anxiety, leading to greater resilience and emotional freedom.


  1. Anxiety Keeps You Stuck in the Past—It’s Time to Move Forward


Many people experience anxiety rooted in past traumas or negative experiences. While it’s important to acknowledge and process these events, dwelling on them keeps us trapped in a loop of fear and pain. The past is over, and while it has shaped who we are, it doesn’t have to dictate our future.


To break free from the past, it’s essential to focus on the present and the possibilities it holds. Techniques like affirmations, wellness recovery action plans, or even writing a goodbye letter to your past fears can help you move forward. If past trauma is a significant source of anxiety, psychotherapy can provide a safe space to explore these issues and develop healthier ways to cope.

What Are You Going to Do Today to Break Free from Anxiety?


The truth is, anxiety is a waste of your precious time and energy. It holds you back from living fully and enjoying the moments that truly matter. The good news is that you don’t have to let anxiety control your life. With the right tools and support, you can overcome it and reclaim your joy.


At Holistic Counseling Solution, we’re here to help you on your journey to mental well-being. Whether you’re looking for “counseling near me,” interested in telehealth options, or seeking to find a therapist who understands your unique needs, we offer a range of services tailored to your situation. From cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to working with a life coach, our team is dedicated to helping you break free from anxiety and live a more fulfilling life.


So, what are you going to do today to start letting go of anxiety? Reach out to us at Holistic Counseling Solution, and let’s take the first step together.

Holistic Counseling Solution will help you with your worries, fears, and anxieties.

Christopher Ross, Ed.S, LPC, ACS, CCTP, is the CEO of Holistic Counseling Solution, where he and his team provide comprehensive mental health services, including therapy, telehealth, and life coaching, to help clients overcome anxiety and other challenges.

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